Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Thirukadaiyur is situated about sixty eight kilometers from the temple town of South India  KUMBAKONAM.  A famous temple is located in this place for Lord Shiva and his consort. Lord is called  AMIRTHAKADESWARAR and his consort called ABHIRAMI. The temple is related to the stories of BAKTHA MARKANDEYA and ABHIRAMA BHATTAR.

Myself and my wife who is an ardent devotee of Shiva and Shakthi visited this temple many times. Our last visit was around some fifteen years back. We have not heard about the Homas that are performed now in this temple during our earlier visits. Since the temple features in many bakthi programmes in various channels, we decided to visit this temple on 13th May, which was our wedding  day, not for performing any Homas.

The story about the temple is, a Maharishi by name Mrigandan and his wife Marudhanaathi lived in this place had no children. They prayed to Lord Shiva for a child. Lord pleased with their prayers appeared before them and granted their wish, but with a choice. Lord asked them to choose between a child who will not be virtuous but will live for hundred years and one will be virtuous but will live for only sixteen years. Maharishi and his wife chose for virtuous son. Markandeya was born to them, As Markandeya grew was pleasing with his behaviour and was liked by all. He also became an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva.  His parents were proud of him, but remembered that he will live only until the age of sixteen. This made them unhappy. One day his mother informed him of boon Lord Shiva had granted to them. Markandeya was confident that lord Shiva would protect him.

Markandeya made a Lingam out of wet sand of river Cauvery  and started his penance. As Markandeya entered sixteenth year of age, Yama came to take  his life, but Markandeya grabbed the Lingam and refused to go with Yama. Yama threw the noose around Markandeya  and since he was hugging the Shivalingam, the noose fell around Shivalingam also. This angered Lord Shiva and he killed  Yama and blessed Markandeya to be immortal. It is said that the mark of Yama's noose still can be seen on the Lingam. It is also said that there is on opening mark on the top of the Lingam to prove that Lord Shiva emerged from this Lingam.

It is also  believed that Devas had not worshiped Vinayaka before churning of ocean for nector. To teach a lesson to Devas. Vinayaka stole the pot containing nector and hid it. Hence  Vinayaka in this place called "KALLA PILLAYAR'.

As death is conquered in this place, people perform Sasthiabdhyipoorthi, Bheemarath and Sadabishegam here.

The legend goes further, that there lived a priest in the temple by name ABHIRAMA BHATTAR. He was a staunch devotee of Goddess Abhirami and throughout the day he used to sing about the Goddess. One day the King of Tanjore visited the temple and saw Abhirama Bhattar immersed in the thoughts of Goddess, when the king inquired with others, some even said he is a madman. To ascertain himself, the king asked Bhattar what thiti is today. Bhattar who was engrossed in the Goddess said it is Full moon day, actually it was New moon day. The king said, if moon does not rise in the evening his head would be cut-off.

Bhattar realized his mistake  and prayed to Goddess Abhirami to save his life. When evening approached the guards of the king tied him to specially erected swing over fire. Abhirama Bhattar took permission from the king to sing Abhirami Andhadhi. Andhadhi is a collection of one hundred four lined verses composed by Abhirama Bhattar. Uniqueness of Andhadhi is that the last word of last composition becomes first word of the next verse.

When Abhirama Bhattar started to sing, the ropes tied to the swing started to break one by one and when he started the hundredth verse, Goddess threw her ear ring into the sky and it shone like a full moon in the sky. The king wondered at the devotion of Bhattar and the power of Andhadhi. The king ordered his release bestowed on him the title Abhirama Bhattar and named the Andhadhi as Abhirami Andhadhi and the king also ordered Andhadhi to be recited in the temple everyday, the practice is continuing even today.


                                                             Abhirami Sannadhi
                                                                   Temple elephant                                             

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